Use "modernisation|modernisations" in a sentence

1. 11 Custom forbids any modernisation.

2. This was to bring rapid modernisation to Bahrain.

3. 2 In two other aspects of modernisation more was achieved.

4. For this , its machinery , though not obsolete , called for modernisation .

5. To proceed further with the process of administrative modernisation.

6. From 1938 to 1941, London received an altogether more comprehensive modernisation.

7. Successful agricultural reform is also a sine qua non of Mexico's modernisation.

8. The Commission is not a direct actor in the modernisation of universities, but it can play a catalytic role, providing political impetus and targeted funding in support of reform and modernisation.

9. Many smaller tribal groups are quite sensitive to ecological degradation caused by modernisation.

10. Modernisation reduces Clientelism, we assume… We often associate Clientelism with ‘developing

11. In the 1990s we are in the midst of a reckoning on the record of this third and most convulsive of modernisations.

12. 17 The rail system is to put twenty million pounds into its modernisation programme.

13. 22 ' sTABILITY " was once the buzzword in Russia; now it is " modernisation ".

14. 1 The house was in need of modernisation when they bought it.

15. Further modernisation of pension systems will be needed to address adequacy gaps.

16. The traditional festivals play an important part in the national industrialisation and modernisation process .

17. 15 Successful agricultural reform is also a sine qua non of Mexico's modernisation.

18. 23 The discussion is closely linked to the different approaches of modernisation and dependency theories.

19. 9 It is not against modernisation but believes that pubs should cater for all tastes.

20. Objective 3: Adaptation and modernisation of policies and systems for education, training and employment.

21. — Type of investment: productive; diversification; modernisation; animal health; quality of products; restoration; complementary activities

22. Electric power supplies south of Liverpool and Manchester are due for modernisation this decade.

23. • Heritage, the Buzzword of the 1980s, is out; modernisation, the Buzzword of the 1960s, is in.

24. Modernisation of the Geodesy, Cartography and Cadastre Authority was also undertaken with Phare support.

25. It is not against modernisation but believes that pubs should cater for all tastes.

26. 3 Although requiring modernisation the state rooms are still intact including their painted ceilings.

27. 13 There has been much modernisation and recently a new bar/lounge and conservatory have been added.

28. 7 According to modernisation theory, the urban centre is the locus of population growth, mobility and integration.

29. Europe should not try to mimic Japan: we have to find our own path to successful modernisation.

30. 30 There was some dissatisfaction with the curriculum, which had hardly been touched by the modernisation drive.

31. 18 Personal photography has played a different but equally important role in the modernisation of Western culture.

32. From then on, investments were made into the modernisation and acceleration of the existing network.

33. 26 There has been much modernisation and recently a new bar/lounge and conservatory have been added.

34. 27 He has asked the bank's 000 shareholders to stump up another 90 billion roubles to finance modernisation.

35. 26 Typically, all are highly critical of the assumptions made by modernisation theorists explored in Chapter

36. Objective #: supporting (outside Objective # regions) the adaptation and modernisation of policies and systems of education, training and employment

37. EUR 62 million for the modernisation and extension of the trade-fair facilities in the city of Valencia;

38. 16 Europe should not try to mimic Japan: we have to find our own path to successful modernisation.

39. 4 However, modernisation will help to expand the programme further, including film shows, shadow puppetry and matinees - presently impracticable.

40. 25 Labour will embrace the goal of sustainable development, with environmental modernisation an integral part of our industrial strategy.

41. 14 Heritage, the buzzword of the 1980s, is out; modernisation, the buzzword of the 1960s, is in.

42. 17 However, modernisation will help to expand the programme further, including film shows, shadow puppetry and matinees - presently impracticable.

43. In addition, the modernisation of political life must mean granting women their rightful place in the machinery of public administration.

44. 6 With the modernisation of the railway system, Brooke End signal box was abandoned, its structure left to stand forlorn.

45. ECU 28.8 million for the modernisation and extension of research and development facilities in the Greater Copenhagen area;

46. He pointed presciently to countries such as China and India that were building their modernisation plans around science.

47. 29 In a capitalist country, political dictatorship is not incompatible with economic modernisation and can even facilitate it.

48. EUR 84.7 million for the extension and treatment facility and construction modernisation of connection conduits in Northern Ireland.

49. Operations under Article 41(2) concerning replacement or modernisation of main or ancillary engines shall be reduced by

50. 10 Heritage, the buzzword of the 1980s, is out; modernisation, the buzzword of the 1960s,[] is in.

51. 8 Many modernisation theorists would claim here strong evidence for the inhibiting effect of traditional beliefs on development.

52. 22 Completed in 19 the brewery is currently undergoing a £53 million four-year modernisation programme to renew production facilities.

53. We have launched sector-specific modernisation and productivity programmes, reduced corporate tax rate, and made tax benefits more attractive and easier.

54. 19 The first, Fourways,( is a two-bedroom detached period property with a front garden in need of complete modernisation.

55. BaseduponWilliam Goode’s theory of modernisation, we hypothesise a declining trend in Consanguineousmarriageover time andnega-tive relationships between consanguinity and measuresofsocialstatus

56. Additionally, these bodies have a direct input to the modernisation project by having two representatives on the Accounting Standards Committee.

57. Under conditions of hyper-inflation no factory manager has either capital or financial stability to invest in any kind of serious modernisation.

58. 28 The crash in south London was caused by faulty wiring undertaken by the 11 signal engineers and managers during the signal modernisation.

59. We are also focusing on modernisation of urban settlements, building new smart cities and empowering citizens through access to digital services.

60. 21 As noted in chapter much of this interest in modernisation was prompted by the decline of the old colonial empires.

61. Modernisation theorists too thought that the peasantry, through the diffusion of modern ideas and consumer goods, would develop out of existence.

62. 24 Citizenship rights were developed along with liberal government due to modernisation and protest in order to obtain a greater degree of participation.

63. The Creoles contributed to Lagos' modernisation and their knowledge of Portuguese architecture can still be seen from the architecture on Lagos Island.

64. 5 If the March crisis over missile modernisation now seems something from another era, so too do the fears of the summer.

65. Even as Asia's economic interdependence and resurgence is proceeding apace, bitter historical legacies, territorial disputes, strategic competition and military modernisation are causing concern.

66. 20 Under conditions of hyper-inflation no factory manager has either capital or financial stability to invest in any kind of serious modernisation.

67. 12 It was assumed that modernisation was best brought about by the exchange of goods and ideas on the national and international markets.

68. 10 The success of the modernisation drive was called into question as was the security of party leaders who supported the developmentalist line.

69. The Chamber of Industry and Commerce wishes to point out that the airport's modernisation has been a gradual, continuous process which began in the early 1990s.

70. The Commission has various subgroups relating to trade and economic cooperation, energy, tourism, science and technology, information and communication technology, as well as modernisation and industrialisation.

71. * Launch the development and implementation of new air traffic management systems, which will support the modernisation of the sector within the framework of the Single Sky initiative.

72. 12 The problem is that to vaunt modernisation, which implies that technological successes will make Russia a great world power again, is to set the wrong priority.

73. Von Prankh already had political experience as adjutant to War Minister von Lüder, and contributed crucially to the modernisation of the Bavarian Army with his reforms.

74. -- to launch the development and implementation of new air traffic management systems, which will support the modernisation of the sector within the framework of the Single sky initiative.

75. Research focused on avoiding harm to the marine environment will reduce the uncertainty of these activities, e.g. marine energy, modernisation of ports, aquaculture and maritime tourism.

76. He also set forth on a policy of neutrality, but to help finance and support his ambitious modernisation projects, he needed the help of the West.

77. Expresses concern at the fact that modernisation of the EDF accounts was not completed within the deadlines set and that, for the moment, the existing On-line Accounting System (OLAS) is being used to keep the accounts; asks to be kept informed every six months on progress with modernisation of the new integrated IT system (ABAC-FED) and its implementation at head office and within the delegations;

78. After deposing his father in 1970, Sultan Qaboos opened up the country, embarked on economic reforms, and followed a policy of modernisation marked by increased spending on health, education and welfare.

79. First, it set out to find the roots of modernisation, starting from the conquest of hinterlands to the access to global markets, looking at the economies, infrastructure, and territorial and urban hierarchies.

80. The Defence Ministry is now making a last - ditch effort to process defence procurements on a priority basis so that capital expenditure allocation is utilised and the armed forces modernisation campaign is on course .